Почему плохо греются именно движки 1,6-115?
Ниже выдержка из описания 1,6 Ti-VCT:
60 градусов достигает на 100 секунд раньше, чем с мех термостатом, на большой круг переключается на 98 гр. а не на 82, как обычный. Должен отличаться быстрым прогревом. Почему тогда все наоборот? Или сюда пишут те единицы, у которых он некорректно работает, а остальные наслаждаются ускоренным прогревом?
5 Active Thermal Management
Passenger cars are used mainly in short distance
driving [3]. Throughout short distance
driving the optimal engine operation
temperature are rarely reached. Hence another
focus during the development of the
1.6 l Duratec Ti-VCT has been put on the
warm-up phase of the engine. Due to the
influence of oil temperature on engine friction
losses it was aimed to raise the oil temperature
as fast as possible to a high level.
This was achieved by adapting an active
thermal management consisting of a map
controlled thermostat and an oil water heat
Figure 16 shows the warm-up behaviour
of coolant and oil during the NEDC cycle
for a vehicle with and without thermal
management. At the beginning of the
warm-up phase coolant temperatures for
both derivatives increase rapidly, while the
oil temperatures raises relatively slow.
With the help of an oil water heat exchanger
this temperature difference can be used
to accelerate oil warm-up. In the NEDC cycle
this leads to the result that the engine
with thermal management reaches 60 °C
oil temperature 100 seconds prior to engine
with out thermal management. This is
equivalent to the distance of approximately
0.7 km of the NEDC cycle.
The effect of the map-controlled thermostat
can be seen approximately 600 seconds
after the cold start. At this point in
time the coolant temperature with thermal
management exceeds the one with out
thermal management. Although the temperature
difference between coolant and
oil decreases, the oil temperature with thermal
management still rises faster. Both, the
oil water heat exchanger and the map-controlled
thermostat cause this positive effect.
Fuel consumption measurements during
cold NEDC confirmed a 1.5 % fuel saving
with active thermal management.
The start to open temperature of the
thermostat, which acts as an inlet controller,
was increased from 82°C to 98°C.
Part load engine friction is reduced due to
the increased coolant temperature and
thereby increased oil temperature. Wall
heat losses are minimized as well. Additionally
it the engine is thermally dethrottled.
Depending on the customer usage profile
the fuel consumption benefit due to
these effects can add up to 2 % in daily use.
If required (e.g. in case of a full load acceleration)
the active thermal management
reduces the coolant temperature by
applying current to the heating element of
the map-controlled thermostat.