29 September 2009
Дмитрий НикитскийНу как ты мог так поступить с
29 September 2009
О, отлично

как будто сидела три часа на ю-тьюбе безвылазно

Дмитрий Никитский
29 September 2009
Maroцитата: |
Ну как ты мог так поступить с YNT |
Корреспондент Ютуба на ФФклубе?

Дмитрий НикитскийТибе тожи приходит рассылка?
Балин! Как же теперича, без открытий на ютубе, жить???
29 September 2009
Да уж... в самом начале ролика девушка... её ролик за 2 дня посмотрело народу почти пол миллиона...(сейчас где то 5 000 000 просмотров) а через пару часов после появления начались клоны, и пародии...
Дмитрий Никитский
29 September 2009
Raleksцитата: |
Тибе тожи приходит рассылка? |
Нее , мне приходиться смотреть все самому и выбирать
А есть не отрывками а целиком эти ролики?
Дмитрий Никитский
29 September 2009
репкоБольшинство проскакивало у нас тут, жаль что не в одной ветке. Хотя были некоторые которые я бы посмотрел отдельно
Да уж... в самом начале ролика девушка... её ролик за 2 дня посмотрело народу почти пол миллиона... |
а в чём был смысл её ролика, может кинешь ссылку?
29 September 2009
дааа крутецки
с детьми только не очень понравилось
ps что за саундтрек, никто не знает? мощно звучит
ps о нашёл. Если кому то тоже понравилось - это Hadouken- M.A.D
29 September 2009
а что за ролик с айфоном? есть у кого-нить сцылка на "целиком"?
а еще где деды на 25й секунде по беговым дорожкам скользят =)
... и где лв тетку атакует и самолет напляж садится
его проверяли, "взобьётся" ли он...раскрошился в мелкий винегрет.
Дмитрий Никитский
29 September 2009
А вот когда после кульбита ногой ребенка задевает это фейк или просто так получилось случайно? Я его не видел
29 September 2009
Вот этот канал из которого 90% этих нарезок...
Кто не видел смотрите |
А про че это тупое животнае расказует?
29 September 2009
Типа ана звезда... все придурки... и у неё самое класное видео
30 September 2009
девка на видео грит, что не жрет драгсы
30 September 2009
для dabu тоже кое-что имеется
30 September 2009
Какие ещё драгсы? Переведи весь её базар... а то очень хоца знать...за что её 5 000 000 посмотрело
30 September 2009
как ты просил )
OK hai. My name is boxxy and um it's been a while since I made a new video. So I decided that because of recent events that I could make a new videooo. And um so yeah so let's just start off by getting a couple things straight. I don't do drugs... mm mmh! No, I know that you all think that I do drugs, but, I don't, actually. And I actually don't have ADD either, ahh hehehe, which is funny to me. Ummmm yeah. And then another one would be ummm. I provided you with a couple different pictures. Ummmm ahh such as like, like the one where I'm like mmm and it says, "I saw watchoo did there!" And like and and then like you peoples were all like, "YOU IS TROLLIN!" and I was like "I AM NOT TROLLING!! I AM boxxy YOU SEE! Mm!" And like um and so then ahh there was another one where I was like, "Mmm," and um I don't have any eyeliner on, which you edited a couple of different times. And then there was the one where I held up a sign and it said "boxxy plus pocky equals equals LOOOVE," and that's true, it's a very true statement, I love her. And umm and then uhh bup bup buhbuh, OH there was another one that um, that I actually didn't possst... but umm... it's out there... cuz uh some of you guys found it, and I'm all like crafty. And uhm and it's one where I like have a sign and I'm like "ihh" and it says several different things such as like I love mmmchan, and stuff and umm it actually never said that, it said I love moochan, which is one of my old gaia buddies, uhh oh, but the way, I'm not a gaiafag anymore, I moved on to bigger and better things, such as umm, things that I mentioned in another video that got me in trouble in the first place, hah!
Ahh, trolls! Trolls, this is my only account and it's bawskie babee with two e's and other people, like boxyakamoldybread -- she's a failure Troll! TRAWLL! I can't believe you guys believe that! Who actually talks like that?! Not ME! Umm... and, so, yeah, and um, let's see here. And then, um, um I was in a thread and uh this guy was like, "boxxy, I would sing Hey Jude to you, like in Across the Universe." And I was like, "I love that movie!" Because I do! Have you ever seen that movie? It's like AMAZING, it's like BEATLES and like um, and so then um I uh I just wanted to say to that kid who wanted to watch Across the Universe with me uh that I love you, and I want to hold your hand. And also um, my husband, Sheldon, "hello! Mmm!" And, and uh Brandon, I guess, I don't even know who you are, exactly. Uhbububuuhh, my hair got longer, you guys. I'm actually thinking about cutting it... I dunno. But umm, let's see here ahh, soo, I had a lot of replies from like my videos. Or, not a lot a guess, that's a little... much I guess. But um, this one kid, uh he remixed a lot of my videos, and they were so cool, and his name was gastricpenguin... and he was SO funny. He like mixed it and stuff and hehe, and I was like "ohhho" the first time I saw it. I was. Oh my god I had a heart attack, I was like oh my god. And um, uh, mmm, I dunno. What else is there to say. Steve, Steve, the guy who sat for like six minutes straight addressing me in a serious tone? Uh, thank you, I suppose. Um, but uh yeah, this, I don't think I should answer. What if I told you it would ruin the mystique, you guys? Umm, and then um, bububuh, I dunno, really, huh. I haven't worn makeup in a really long time you guys, actually. Um, because I stopped wearing it, because it's a really big pain the butt to apply every single morning. And I'm like urr hurr, and um and now I'm just like mascera and I'm good to go.
And um yeah and so I love you guys, a lot. I really like, rawrawrawr status, like seriously like rawr and um I think that's about it. Byeee.