[quote]import QtQuick 2.0
import HmiGui 1.0
import HmiGuiFramework.Controls 1.0
import Hmi.Ford.Popups 1.0
import Hmi.Ford.Controls 1.0
import HmiTrafficCenter 1.0
CancelablePopup {
id: root
objectName: "Disclaimer"
//~ GroupID TrafficCenter/Disclaimer-0001
//~ Text 8d08907a-da29-11e4-b551-00059a3c7a00
//~ TextID 1a8422d2-06b8-11e8-b98a-0800270422e6
cancelButtonText: (_globalSource.regionalVariant === GlobalSource.Europe) ? qsTr("Ok")
//~ GroupID TrafficCenter/Disclaimer-0001
//~ TextID 8d0905b6-da29-11e4-8eda-00059a3c7a00
: qsTr("Accept")
popupSize: (_globalSource.regionalVariant === GlobalSource.Europe) ? HmiGui.Regular
: HmiGui.Big
onCanceled: {
contents: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
TextLabel {
id: europeRegionContent
objectName: "Disclaimer_EuropeRegionContent"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: UiTheme.styleRoot.generalMarginBig
visible: (_globalSource.regionalVariant === GlobalSource.Europe)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
//~ TextID 8d0905b7-da29-11e4-adb6-00059a3c7a00
text: qsTr("Unit only gives guidance.\nSafe, lawful vehicle use is the driver's responsibility! Please refer to the manual!")
Column {
id: chinaRegionContent
objectName: "Disclaimer_ChinaRegionContent"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: UiTheme.styleRoot.generalMarginBig
anchors.rightMargin: UiTheme.styleRoot.generalMarginBig
anchors.bottomMargin: UiTheme.styleRoot.generalMarginSmall
visible: (_globalSource.regionalVariant === GlobalSource.China)
spacing: UiTheme.styleRoot.generalMarginSmall
TextLabel {
width: parent.width
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
variation: HmiGui.BigLabelVariationMedium
//~ TextID 8d092cc8-da29-11e4-ad5f-00059a3c7a00
text: qsTr("Disclaimer")
Repeater {
Row {
width: parent.width
TextLabel {
id: bullet
objectName: "Disclaimer_Bullet"
variation: HmiGui.SmallLabelVariation
text: "\u2022 "
TextLabel {
width: parent.width - bullet.width
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
variation: HmiGui.SmallLabelVariation
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: modelData
model: [
//~ TextID 8d092cc9-da29-11e4-9b0d-00059a3c7a00
qsTr("Welcome to the GPS Navigation product!"),
//~ TextID 8d092cca-da29-11e4-88e1-00059a3c7a00
qsTr("The calculated route is for reference only.\nIt is the user's responsibility to obey traffic signs and local regulations along the roads resulting from increased development of traffic facilities."),
//~ TextID 8d092ccc-da29-11e4-9344-00059a3c7a00
qsTr("For your own safety, do not operate the controls of this product while driving. Use this product prudently."),
//~ TextID 8d092ccd-da29-11e4-86c0-00059a3c7a00
qsTr("This product is intended to be used only as a navigation aid but not for precise measurement of direction, distance, location, or topography.\nEntry into GPS Navigation requires touching the Accept button.")