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Отчет Всемирного банка 2007 г
As further discussed in chapters I V and V, despite frozen wages,
living standards have been supported through an extensive social safety net, with the
provision o f free housing, education and healthcare, subsidized food and utility prices
and sizeable energy subsidies.
Health care provision has apparently
improved, with one physician per 770 people by 1997 (most recent available data),
from one doctor per 3,860 people in 1965. There were 850 people for every nurse in
1965 and 350 per nurse in 1992, close to rates in the O E C D countries. The infant
mortality rate fell accordingly, from 160 per 1,000 in 1960 to 16 per 1,000 in 2002.
has achieved universal enrollment in primary education and, the 14 percent illiteracy
rate i s below the regional average o f 34 percent. This i s an improvement relative to
the early 1960’s, when 40 percent o f the adult population was illiterate, and
enrollment in primary education was only 60 percent. Secondary school enrollment
substantially increased between 1970 and 2002, from 21 t o 105 percent. Tertiary
enrollment has recorded a similar pattern, increasing from 3 t o 58 percent in the same
period. However, despite comparatively high school enrollment levels, the illiteracy
rate in Libya i s higher than that in upper middle-income countries, which post an
average o f 9 percent in 2002
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