[EN] Focus Mk2 (EU, 2005) quick help

20 years ago


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17 March 2004

[EN] Focus Mk2 (EU, 2005) quick help

2 April 2016

In this final steps i had to deal with the differences of the exhaust tube diameter.
So we connect the new 76mm with the old 50mm just to start the engine.

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IMG_20160401_143359 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-04-02_07-21-39 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
2 April 2016

The 2.0 battery box had to be modified. The ecu on the ST225 bolts on the airbox.
We removed the 2.0 ecu and carefully cut the battery box.

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IMG_20160401_154422 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160401_154205 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
2 April 2016

And then the time came .. Everything on position and FIRST START!!!
2 April 2016


Video Video Video and it is REAL! XR5 oeoeoe oeoeoe oeoeoe!

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VID_20160401_183253 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
2 April 2016


Reprogram of ecu and...

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IMG_20160401_150622 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

test ride.. This thing is AMAZING SO MUCH POWER!! REAL MONSTER!! !

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25590361093_11ee15b3ce_o by stavros mlls, on Flickr
3 April 2016


Watching and reading and testing.. We find out that the steering differences as far as concerned the steering system were only numbers..
Look at these EHPAS boards. The first three are the 2.0 Duratec comfort standard and sport options

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2016-04-03_07-11-16 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-04-03_07-11-51 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-04-03_07-12-19 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
3 April 2016


..and these three boards are the options for the ST225, XR5, Compare them.. You will see that they are different so with the same steering rack and same electro hydraulic pump we got different speed and effort on steering wheel !!!

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2016-04-03_07-12-49 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-04-03_07-13-40 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-04-03_07-13-17 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
9 April 2016

I was worried about ultra racing front lower bar, but it seems to fit nice and tight.

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IMG_20160409_162538 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160409_162522 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
9 April 2016

Another incompatible part was the washer fluid connector. The stock 2.0 Duratec has 8pins but the XR5 connector has 6..

I have to modified the wiring or to buy a new washer fluid wiring..

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IMG_20160409_143041 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160409_143034 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
9 April 2016

Anyway the point is that i am done!
I got all the retrofit in perfect working order. No faults no errors at all.

And i can tell you again THIS THING IS AMAZING FOR SURE!

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2016-04-09_09-17-25 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
14 April 2016

The lower engine mount (small bush), arrived today from Anembo. I will fit it on monday and i'll post pictures.
I will also try to fit the 2.0 lower engine mount on the XR5 M66 gearbox to see if it is compatible.

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IMG_20160414_143923 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160414_143909 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
16 April 2016


A very critical and "final" (it is never final hahah!) step is the creation of a proper exhaust system. And here it is..


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26401492081_024040bf29_oAAA by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_092545 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_093908 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_095746 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_103350 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_103249 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_102835 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_111932 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_112149 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_122428 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_133955 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_145609 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160415_155258 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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26445585545_5abf95c999_oAAA by stavros mlls, on Flickr

Everything properly hidden..
27 April 2016


So after about 1000 km it was time to change the 5-30 ford oil. I had decided to keep the stock oil only for a while just to help the engine to be cleaned after two years of inactivity.

6 bottles of amsoil 5-30 took their position and now i feel safe and happy haha!

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IMG_20160425_151558 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160426_144823 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160426_172242 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
29 April 2016

The 2.0l Duratec brakes are insufficient.. 300mm front and 280mm rear..

Can't stop the car.. No way

So here we go again for the brake upgrade this time
4 May 2016


Now, here is the plan. The ST225 front brakes are nice but not strong enough for a modified car.
So we forget the ST brakes and take once again the hard way..

I will try to fit the front brakes from the 2014 2.4D Volvo XC60 which are dual piston calipers on 328x30mm 52ET discs.
I will use stock Volvo brackets calipers discs and pads with custom made adapters.

Good luck..

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Screenshot_20160504-203244~01 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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Screenshot_20160504-203252~01 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
6 May 2016


For the rear brakes i will use the mazda 5 caliper brackets combined with volvo V70 302mm rear discs on stock calipers and pads.

Hope it works..

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IMG_20160506_145814 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160506_145824 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
11 May 2016

They arrived! Oh gosh! They are huge!

Beast mode!

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IMG_20160511_130658 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160511_132219 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160511_132237 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160511_132257 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160511_132306 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160511_132313 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
23 May 2016

Here are the rear brake pads. And.. some Very useful info there, which models use the same pads!

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IMG_20160523_152727 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160523_152837 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
19 June 2016


Hello from France

I need your help guys.
I have some troubles to activate cruise control on my MK2 2.0 TDCI. I'm using a modified ELM327 and ELMconfig 0.2.17b from @civil-zz .

I activated cruise controle in the GEM and HEC without any issue. The problem is the PCM part of the procedure:

This is my information tab:
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You can see my PCM type is SID803.

When I switch to configuration or procedure tab, it does not automaticaly select the SID803. Is it normal?

So, I manually selected "SID803 (2.0 136 TDCi)" then tryed to dump the PCM from the procedure tab, page 2, "Read firmware from PCM to BIN file" button.
The dump process starts then, after 15 minutes, i got following error message:
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The obtained dump file size is 410KB (420352 Bytes). If I load it I got error message saying it is invalid or insupported. I imagine it is corrupted or incomplete.

I also tryed by checking the "Read calibration data only". Then I got the same error, at the begining of the dump, with 0 bytes dump file.

I tryed by selecting other PCM types without success (error message at the begining of the dump process).
I stopped here as I'm afraid to do something wrong.

Does anybody can help me on this? The only thing I want is to activate the integrated speed control in the PCM. Maybe it is not necessary to dump the PCM?
19 June 2016


Awesome! Fantastic job!
21 June 2016

I've added SID 803 module support basing only on theoretical data and seems that they are not correct. I noted this in the release. Sorry but there are no SID803 modules here in Russia which I could put on my table and check everything.

seems that this SID803 doesn't allow to read the memory after 0x000669FF including the 3rd calibration block and the external flash memory including software data/4rd calibration block.

it's not mandatory to read full PCM data, only VID-block is required to transfer your configuration (to use your VID block which you read on PCM=>Configuration tab and *.phf file)
it's not possible to write the VID-block separately because it is the part of calibration. so to erase the current VID you need to erase the whole calibration data and write it back again with the new VID.

please note that seems that you are the first who is going to flash SID803 with the ELMConfig. As I said I had no chance to do it as I have no such module so I can't provide any guarantee that it will be done succesfully. if you are really going to do that then please make provisions for the backup variants to flash the module in case if ELMConfig erases the data and can't write the new one (means to be sure that you can bring the car to the dealer, for example, who can flash the module)
21 June 2016

I'm second man, who is going to flash SID803 with the ELMConfig
21 June 2016

I'm trying to find alternate solutions to activate Cruise Control on my Focus. But It's not easy. I contacted 3 ford dealers, two of them said me it's impossible to do (lol) and one said it's forbidden per Ford policy... I'll try independant dealers. At the end if I didn't find another solution, I'll try to flash the PCM using my configuration data + the *.phf file and cross fingers.

Really? Do you have the same issue than me? Please, let me know if you make a flash atempt.
21 June 2016

i don't know, how solve this problem...
21 June 2016

As explained civil-zz, taking the *.phf file (the "calibration file" available on his website) matching your Part Number/firmvare number, and using your configuration data (VID-block), we can try to flash. The thing is we don't know if it will write it properly so we must have a plan B in case of "brick" to restore the PCM memory.
28 June 2016


I finaly solved my propblem, using a MAGPro2 to read and save the whole PCM memory via OBD connector, manually modified the offsets based on the VID-Block modifications done by ELMConfig (PCM configuration), written back to PCM then activated CC in GEM an HEC.

My Cruise Control works

Many thanks to civil-zz for his support and to the guy who agreed to take a couple of hours with his MAGPro2.
23 August 2016

After sometime of inactivity (due to financial problems), i managed to get the rear 302mm discs.

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IMG_20160822_101845 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160822_102214 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160822_102412 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
23 August 2016

It is very nice to have options.
4 October 2016


A new part arrived today H&R wheel spacers 15mm + longer wheel studs.
Excellent quality I am very pleased.

Here is the product code for the ford focus mk2

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2016-10-04_11-11-33 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161004_105915 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161004_110100 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161004_110434 by stavros mlls, on Flickr
5 October 2016


Let's make a home made short shifter!

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IMG_20160928_191912 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20160928_191409 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-10-05_10-45-37 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-10-05_10-46-10 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-10-05_10-44-37 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161005_201248 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-10-05_10-09-03 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161005_211640 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161005_211614 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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2016-10-05_10-02-50 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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IMG_20161005_211418 by stavros mlls, on Flickr

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