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FF2 Эксплуатация10 years

Перепрошивка PCM Эксплуатация Focus 2
8 August 2013

Ah, nevermind, I took leap of faith and tried it. my USB interface which worked 500 000 bps and so I got also firmware version. Everything seemed good so I went for it and enabled CC. And...

IT WORKS!!! civil-zz, you are amazing man. If you ever come to Finland / Jyvдskylд, I will offer you beer. Or two. Or whole evening...

Перепрошивка PCM Эксплуатация Focus 2
8 August 2013

Dear all!

Please excuse my English, I am not proficient enough with Russian language to communicate! Please accept my apologies!

I have Ford Focus mk2 2005 1.6 Ti-VCT 115PS and would like to enable cruise control in PCM. I've been reading this forum using Google Translator, but I am not 100% sure what talk about Ti-VCT dual catalysator and 4 oxygen sensors are! Is it safe to use ELMConfig with 1.6 115PS no matter what kind of configuration you have?

Moreover, I got funny results when I read PCM information... See the picture:

Otherwise it is good, but firmware number is empty. Is this OK, if I just read my current firmware and VID, change cruise and then re-write same old firmware back (this information is read using bluetooth adapter, perhaps that is the reason... I have USB adapter waiting in post office right now)?

Also, my PCM part number is 5M51-12A650-HE - this is not found from civil-zz's web page from calibrations file, closest match is "5M51-12A650-HG". Is it still ok, will elmconfig work?

Thank you in advance

Ps. In any case, SUBERP work civil-zz and everybody else! This is better than anybody could expect!
