13 September 2013
I have some news regarding my "Security alert" error. I have tested again another NB and the problem remains... But with another cable is everything OK

1st cable - chipset??, FTDI drivers... Dead on setting higher baudrate than 38kbit

2nd cable - chipset FT232R - 500kbit OK, tested both types of drivers, also FTDI with latency set to 1 - result: security alert on all speeds and block sizes. Only one succesfull attemp of reading - but readed data differs from those I have now with 4th cable...
3rd cable - chipset Prolific - 500kbit OK, but problems with buffer. Also tested with all possible baudrates and block size combinations. Best results with 115kbit/16 - but the reading was never successfully done...
4th cable - chipset CP2102 - 500bit OK, no posibillity to set latecy - but reading OK with all block sizes (baudrate 500kbit)... Reading 3mins with 500kbit/block 128, writing 11 mins - also 500kbit/block 128

.. All attemps were successfull.
So the result is, that the 2nd cable is in some way bad.. But I don't understand this "Security alert" error at all..
All cables are from eBay/China.. 2nd cable is already sold

. 3rd cable I have only tested - is not mine.
Here it is: http://
14 August 2013
civil-zzSo, I have tested the new version 0.2.10. The first attemp was completely without problems.. With the speed of 500000 bps and block size 128 bits, the reading of PCM FW was completelly done in two minutes and I was happy. So I have backup of my current FW.
But the second and other attemps ended with the old known error "Security access denied"

Correct me if I'm wrong - but I think, that it is not safe to try write new FW when I can NOT read current FW even for two times... Or during FW write this error won't appear?
Anyway thank you once more for your work
civil-zzOK, I will impatiently wait
civil-zzAny news regarding my "Security access denied" error during reading PCM? I have tried it many times even with another PC and the result is the same

. Thank you very much for information!
My USB-UART bridge chip is FT232R (if it is what you mean) ;-)
27 July 2013
Digital-CjToday I had time to do some tests.. I have tried to change speeds and block sizes, I have also changed drivers (FTDI 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 - with basic latency and latency set to 1 ms) and switched used driver in ELMConfig to FTDI. I have also tried to switch off my antivirus and firewall. The result is always the same - "Security access denied" error. O Only once it was with another error: "Service not supported" - unfortunatelly for this case I have no log saved
The other interesting thing that I have realised is, that everytime I reset PCM, one DTC appears: P1260: Theft detected, vehicle immobilised. Is this normal? It always appears after VID block (also when successfuly read) or FW reading and also when I manually reset PCM..
The work with other modules is without problems, also HEC FW change is going well (with this cable on another car - mine had newest FW from factory)... On this foto is the ELM327 cable I use. The chipset has brushed out texts - so I don't know what kind of chipset is it.
27 July 2013
ittrium, civil-zz
Thanx for your answers! Yes, i have tried different block sizes. I use VCP driver with latency set to 1ms. Today I will try FTDI driver and also different speed. You can download the log here: http://
Hi from Czech Republic! At first - sorry for writing in english and thanx very much for the great ELMConfig
I have some problem with reading FW from PCM. After speed test (500kbit OK) i have set this speed. Everything works fine. I can even read VID-block. But when i try to read FW, reading starts but ends with "Security access denied" error. Everytime it ends in different progress. I have tried various block sizes, but the result is the same. What should i do? Should i for example change the ELM speed to lower value - or where could be the problem?
My car is 2010 Ford Focus II FL, 1,6i 100HP. Firmware version in PCM is currently 7M51AFD. I am using USB version of ELM327..