Друзья, данная тема призвана объединить желающих выучить/подучить
английский/немецкий или попросту попрактиковаться в английском/немецком с форумчанами. Допускается "умеренное" обсуждение школ, курсов и тд., но, желательно, чтобы в теме все же доминировало именно общение на указанных иностранных языках. Заранее спасибо!
7 November 2008
BOSS™, you are late. Please come in and take your seat, the lesson has begun.
7 November 2008
Do they have any own local
AlexZombieOh! Wir werden alle EnLisch studieren?
AlexZombieI don't know, had not visited them for a long time.

Besides they made payed membership
korpulent FF1Es waere nicht schlecht Einzelthema fuer die Deutschsprachigen veranstalten
Hi dudes!
FYI J.R.R. Tolkien was Oxford professor in English literature, so reading LoR in language is a good sign of your level! For example for me it is still tough to read it, in spite the fact I am using language almost everyday at work for the last 8 years. Other example, Agata Cristy (am I right in spelling?) Can be read very easily.
How is your croatian?
БродяжникAgatha Christie
Бродяжникцитата: |
How is your croatian? |
too slow

By the way I have read "Komarr" by Bujold in English
It shouldn't be very hard (Bujold)
Was mich personlich betrifft, bin einverstanden da mit allen Kameraden zu kommunizieren.
7 November 2008
My friend, if you need a Serbian/Croatian teacher, I can help you, btw.
korpulent FF1Ja, auch gerne

Ford Focus Club Deutschland
, von Zeit zu Zeit besuche ich.
БродяжникNot more difficult than her translated books
AlexZombieI only read football news at sportnet.hr, if you (your wife

) can advice me something to read on Serbian/Croatian it would be very nice, e-grammar wanted as well

I cannot talk yet
I know the most polylingual person in a club!
Please welcome
7 November 2008
I've just asked my wife to propose any books to read in Croatian - here is the answer:
Momo Kapora - it's really easy to read. If you're searching for something more difficult for reading - Pavich, Petrovich.
Oh. Ich wusste das nicht, ob dieser Klub hätte es... Donner Wetter
11 November 2008
БродяжникThanks, that's my hobby
AlexZombieMany thanks and great respect for your wife!

I've found a site with books on Croatian, there is a book of Momo Kapor "Beleske jedne Ane"
11 November 2008
AlexZombie Many thanks and great respect for your wife! I've found a site with books on Croatian, there is a book of Momo Kapor "Beleske jedne Ane" |
Ok, I gonna forward these thanks to her
11 November 2008
By the way, where did you find the book? My wife wants to get it as well.
This point I will take, especially in crisis time
14 January 2009
Happy New Old Year, comrades! Best wishes
Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Hi All

Is it a flood room in english language?
AlekSinNo it is not

This is chat room in English
БродяжникSo... Lets start our conversation!

I'm going to have a practice in this topic.
No prob, chief. What do you want talk about?