Друзья, данная тема призвана объединить желающих выучить/подучить
английский/немецкий или попросту попрактиковаться в английском/немецком с форумчанами. Допускается "умеренное" обсуждение школ, курсов и тд., но, желательно, чтобы в теме все же доминировало именно общение на указанных иностранных языках. Заранее спасибо!
цитата (-AsPilot- @ Сегодня в 17:34) | Автор, если предложение серьезно, то могу переместить топик в увлечения. Почистив от флуда и стеба. |
That would be nice, mr. Moderator! Let's do that! |
let's do it like they do it on discovery chanel !!!

my flood message in subj ! i'm best flooderast in here
AlexZombiegreat idea! thank you for this topic

but it will be more useful without floodmakers. I am agree with
AsPilot, that english topic should be replaced in "Hobby"
Inform on infringements please.
vSASthat's cool

but, unfortunately my working day is over, and i must go home
6 November 2008
цитата (-AsPilot- @ Сегодня в 17:57) |
Inform on infringements please. |
Ok. I think the flooders will leave this topic in couple of days
So long folks see you tomorrow
baraNEOthroughout our discussion about
As far as I know
should means modal obligation, but I almost forgotten about external obligation
Blackwindцитата: |
but I almost forgotten |
or have forgotten
цитата: |
about external obligation |
so in our example it's better to use need
O! You decided to add this topic into this part of forum!
Konnte Ich Deutch sprechen?
6 November 2008
BlackwindC'mon man, seems like you are able to speak plenty of languages?
PS: Was machen Sie?

(It's the only phrase I learned during my last visit to Austria)
I have not taught in school English ...i after school is not taught...and my English is just awful.
7 November 2008
I have not taught in school English ...i after school is not taught...and my English is just awful. |
That's the point of this topic. We can show your mistakes and try to improve your English.
I would rephrase your sentence as following:
I didn't study English both in school and after it. My English is awful.
PS: Don't worry, English is not as hard language as it seems to be. Three months are enough to start speaking fluently. Of course, in case you want to read Shakespeare in English, you'll have to study it more deeply.
AlexZombieцитата: |
I didn't study English both in school and after it. My English is awful. |
I suppose present perfect is more correct. cos we are speaking about the completed action.
цитата: |
Of course, in case you want to read Shakespeare in English, you'll have to study it more deeply. |
by the way I've tried to read Shakespeare and it is really a torture cos there are so many old english words scuh as Thy, Thee, Thou etc.
baraNEO"torture" is one of this ancient words?
For me reading "Lord of the ring" book equal to my knowledge level.
vSAStorture is a normal word means "пытка"
цитата: |
"Lord of the ring" |
cool. and how did you manage with the Elfian language.
as for me I do not read a lot in english.
my last book was "Fight club"
thou - you also, i'm wondering, how they understood each other...
AlexZombieцитата: |
"Thy" means yours. |
of course I know. but theese were the only acncient words i've managed to remeber.
there were no problems with fantasy language cos it's quit similar to russian fantasy laguage. And Tolkien wrote for children so it is easy to read this book.
wow) lesson is began already