
Aleksandar, Dobrich (BG), Ford Focus III

Active in topics:
Системы безопасности и помощи2 years

Ford vehicles3 years

29 March 2022

У кого-нибудь есть эти файлы? Буду возвращать епром с cv6 на bv6 и хочу быть готовым, если что-то пойдет не так.
F188: CV6T-14C217-AF
F124: CV6T-14C218-AG

9 February 2022

I flashed it to original software but problem is still here. Now I see that ids calibration level is up-to-date(BM5T-10849-BLK). Before updates it wasnt updated. Can someone send me BM5T-10849-BLD(or BLE, BLF)?

7 February 2022

Is it possbile if I loaded wrong SBL file in VBF loader to be the reason? Can someone tell me what SBL file should I use ford IPC Part number- BM5T-10849-BLD

6 February 2022

I upgraded sync 1 to sync 3.4 on my focus mk3 and on IPC screen logos were completly white. So I changed .vbf files and everything is okay except TSR-its acting strange. Before update it was reading all signs. After update sometimes(30%) its not reading them or its showing them a lot later(100-200m later). Also before update it was showing me speed limit on right side only. Sometimes now its showing it on left side also or on both sides(different limits). I read something about settings for fusion or europe but I cant find them again. I tried with older software but its same. Do you have any ideas?

9 December 2021mobile

I have BLIS

8 December 2021

DId someone tried to enable some of these:
posted image
Cross Trafic Alert(CTA) im looking for but im not sure if it needs something more.

17 November 2021


It's been tried many times by various members, generally you'll need a BV6T PSCM, and BM5T BCM. If you have access to UCDS then you can flash the CV6 pscm to BV6 with EEPROM dump shared by other members publicly

ANC = Active Nibble Control (I believe no need to mess with this for LCA)

Can you send me link to this thread or to comment that contains this info? Is it same thread that I send?

11 November 2021

I was reading this thread about enabling lane centering but I didnt find anyone to successfuly enabled it. I enabled LCA in IPMA and in IPC. Green lines are appearing on display after 80km/h and its keeping me in line but its NOT centering me alone. Im with PSCM CV6T-xxxx-xxxx and I guess:
1. I miss any settings about PSCM. I checked options in PSCM-LA is enabled. In FD13 only ANC is not enabled. What should be ANC meaning?
2. I miss calibration. Is there someone with facelift focus with automatic transmission(LCA is enabled from factory) to check only calibration files?
