4 February 2018
in my kuga I can chose whether or not the system should war me when I exceed the speed limit.
This happens as a flshing speed limit sign.
the Mondeo on the other side also has the option for an acoustic warning.
is this available for the Kuga 2017-?
4 February 2018
on the Mondeo my nighbor has it is possible to activate an acoustic signal when locking the door.
Is this feature also available for the Kuga MK2?
4 February 2018
Activating Autolock.
I heard about 2 versions on how to activate autolock
one is via AS-build
As Built Editor, Read vom BCM, Save to File, change line 32 to Locking by Speed, write to BCM, write to Backup IPC
the other much shorter an easier
IPC 4, then on the right side line 14 activate and done
Which one is correct?
and did I miss a step ?
3 February 2018
Thank you friends,
when that is all
dont I have to restart the AIIPM module?
I heard that would be necessary.
3 February 2018
Hello Friends
thank you for become one of your members.
Until last year I drove a Kuga MK 1 with many modifications:
now I have a MK2 and would also apply some mods.
I bought a UCDS adapter with full license.
I was amazed what can be done with this tool.
Can you help me with getting the climate control in the Sync3 Scree?
I have seen that the US Escapoe have that but why don't we?
If you could please help.
Thank you.