
Antalya (TR)

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Ford vehicles2 years

4 December 2022mobile

Ayn baka Focus 3 de arka lambalar arzas gstergede grnyor Ayrca benim ara 4 derece altndaki scaklkta otomatik n cam ve ayna stclar devreye giriyor arka cam rezistans devreye girmiyor manuel olarak alyor

27 November 2022mobile

Hello, the 2012 focus 3 vehicle warns on the indicator screen in lamp failures, but it does not warn in case of rear tail lamp failure, what could be the reason?

22 December 2017mobile

hello there is BM5T-19H406-AG camera does not recognize only traffic signs in my car. how to do the module configuration how should the values please help

27 September 2017

hello aracm focus 3 titanium smart techno package для отслеживания полосы ветрового стекла и камеры для других систем. Я открыл систему распознавания сигнала трафика foCCCus с 240 параметрами. Кажется, он находится в меню, но он неактивен.

27 September 2017

merhaba aracm focus 3 titanyum smart tekno paket aracn n camnda erit takip ve dier sistemler iin kamera var yalnz trafik iaret tanma sistemini altramadm. foCCCus ile 240 parametresini aktif etim menlerde ald ancak aktif oluyor yardmlarnz bekliyorum teekkrler
