BLIS (mk3) установил в фокус мк3, заработало.
BLIS+CTA (mk3.5) установил в mk3, не работает. Нужно поменять дверные модули на mk3.5?
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EM2T-14C689-AB/BB работает в Focus MK3? кто-нибудь пробовал?
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У кого-нибудь есть схема подключения переключателя focus mk3 (pre facelift) acc?
Я установил новый переключатель acc на рулевом колесе, но кнопки res / can и стрелки для управления расстоянием не работают
Here is the FORScan IPC "module configuation" (not AsBuilt) data to enable compass info on IPC.
720-08-01 x9xx xxxx xx
720-35-01 xxxx xFxx xx
mikryashovO_zoned3vil.stsb174arkanoidHi guys
Just wanted to give you a short update.
Yesterday I installed the facelift (MK3.5) ACC radar in place of the preFL (MK3) radar, removed the preFL ACC module and connected HS CAN directly to new radar. I have facelift BCM, preFL IPC with facelift firmware. Here are the changes observed.
preFL radar1. Forward Alert is always turned OFF on new ignition cycle. It has to be turned ON manually.
2. No distance indication display.
3. Cannot select Adaptive Cruise in IPC menu, always goes back to Normal Cruise. However, Adaptive Cruise works (accelerates and decelerates) but cruise icon is Normal Cruise.
4. No ACC distance setting display.
facelift radar1. Forward Alert setting is saved on new ignition cycle. Does not turn OFF like in preFL.
2. Distance indication is displayed.
3. Adaptive Cruise can be selected in IPC menu, cruise icon is also Adaptive.
4. ACC distance setting is displayed.
In the next days, I have plans to install facelift steering wheel. It would be interesting to see if the everything still works with ACC because some people complained of a few ACC buttons not working after installing facelift steering wheel.
6 October 2017
AM5T-14C047-CA.vbf - SBL
AM5T-14C044-HS.vbf - ECU software (main)
AM5T-14G316-AC.vbf - ECU software (signals)
Ohhh! I think this is the problem! You need use facelift ACC radar without external module. I do not know about possible updating firmware on radar. I think it is possible, discuss it with arkanoid. |
Oh! Thank you for your time
4 October 2017
Thank you. I checked and it is enabled. But my direct config parameters are different compared to your picture
D-K What BCM module are you use? Facelift or not? |
Facelift BCM F1FT-14A073-EG
D-K could you share us your DTC checking log? Is any DTC present there? |
DTC Error read - ABS
DTC Errors: 0
DTC Error read - CCM
DTC Errors: 0
DTC Error read - BCM
DTC Errors: 0
DTC Error read - IPC
DTC Errors: 1
U3000 - Control Module
Ext.Status: 2F - No Communication Or Incorrectly Connected.(DTC) Present at Time of Request.
00- Error status not found in base...
DTC in IPC was always present even with original MK3 firmware
4 October 2017
yes, ABS initialized, ACC radar calibrated
do you have the same setup and everything working?
4 October 2017
D-K When you does interview modules via any OBD adapters and programs, for example FORScan, do you find in the list ACC module? |
yes, CCM is responding
Module Name: CCM
F111 - ECU Core Assembly Number :
F113 - ECU Delivery Assembly Number : BV6T-14B588-BA
F120 - ECU Software #2 Part Number : BV6T-14C411-BA
F162 - Software Download Specification Version :
F163 - Diagnostic Specification Version : 0x02
F188 - Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number : BV6T-14C172-BB
F18C - ECU Serial Number : 575801190362
4 October 2017
D-K and I suppose, there are additional parameters to be adjusted in IPC direct config. Did you do that? |
Unfortunately, I am not aware of what to change in IPC direct config, but I looked into IPC direct config and did not find the correct parameters. It would be helpful if you can give some info about it.
4 October 2017
Please check dashboard. Do you have in menu Cruise Control with the preselect value Adaptive Cruise Control? |
I checked Dashboard, preselection is Normal Cruise control.
When I change to Adaptive Cruise, it is automatically going back to Normal Cruise.
And at what here it? This is another problem. It is absolutely other problem which isn't connected with ACC. |
It's not another problem, I am just telling the reason why I have MK3.5 firmware
4 October 2017
That's interesting, my suggestion will be to install pre-lift firmware (signals etc.) to the IPC and check again. |
With MK3 IPC firmware, everything OK!
But, I need the facelift (MK3.5) firmware because I installed 2 additional rear sensors and facelift PAM for Advanced Park Assist (10 sensors to 12 sensors) and only facelift firmware support park sounds and display in Sync.
4 October 2017
O_zoned3vil.stmikryashovsb174 Thank you for your replies.
I have Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
My car is Focus MK3, but I have RP-7/IPC firmware from facelift (MK3.5)
With MK3 IPC firmware, everything OK!
Anyone has ACC display working with RP-7 facelift firmware? Thank you.
I do no have display about the distance setting and the vehicle in front
25 September 2017
fratelloSee attached picture, remove in that order and then the screw fixtures of the climate control panel will be exposed.
Prior to removal of trim piece "3", the passenger side panel needs to be removed.
Center console piece "4" can be removed without removal of driver side panel.
19 September 2017
Yeah like I said before, if you have wires at pins 1, 2, 7 and 8, you are good to go.
Please leave a private message if you have more to discuss on this topic. Just wanted to avoid trivial discussions so as to not bombard the forum with our conversations.
Only in case of a completely different topic you may write here.
Of course, you can write about your installation and important info that might help others.
19 September 2017
AuRoN89Simply interconnect the following pins/wires at the main connector of 1873762
(to ACS Lidar , to Camera, Signal)
pin 3, pin 1, HS CAN +
pin 4, pin 2, HS CAN -
pin 5, pin 7, +12V
pin 6, pin 8, GND
AuRoN89The bluish color wiring harness in the picture is 1873762 --> like you said you need this as it has the connector to the front looking camera
Whitish wiring harness is 2006063 --> it's up to you to buy this, one end connects to the main connector of 1873762 and the other end should be to the other wiring harnesses on the roof that eventually go all the way to the BCM, power and GND connections. But honestly I do no know exactly where the other end connects to. The only reason to you would need 2006063 is because the present wiring harness will not have the 4 pins (HSCAN+/-, +12V, GND) for front looking camera
You can skip 2006063 and interconnect all 4 wires of front looking camera to the 4 wires of ACS Lidar.
I hope my explanation is not too vague

I can give you later the exact pin/wiring info on how you can interconnect Camera and ACS Lidar.