
Attila, Budapest (HU), Ford Focus III

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Ford vehicles5 years

7 November 2018

Hello Clubmates!

I would like to retrofit OEM ACC in my car. (VIN: WF06XXGCC6EG58444)
I hope I can ask some questions and someone can answer me. I tried to google translate and read a lot but still have questions.
1st.: Do I need any more hardware module above the ACC radar and wires? I already have OEM LIDAR. SO the ABS can brake I think. (I hope VIN helps)
2nd.: If the ACC module is enough, can I download or rewrite the sw on the modules? For example I buy MK3 Focus(BV6T-9G853-), Everest (EB3T-9G768-) and reFlash them or only the MK3.5 Focus will work (F1FT-9G768-)? Or even Volvo, Jaguar or Land rover modules can work?

So it should come only from Focus due to calibration and embedded position parameters or we can make something?

Thank you very much, I hope everything is understandable.

